Perfect Solution Experts for Waste Disposal
Safe and Responsible Demolition Waste Disposal
Whether you’re starting a new business or a well-established one, you want to optimize your waste disposal services for the unique needs of each client. With Upper Route Planner, create routes within seconds and assign them to multiple drivers with a click. Get started with a free 7-day trial now! No credit card required. Start routing optimization today.
In recent decades, sales reps became adept at discovering customers Perfect Solution Experts for Waste Disposal’ needs and selling them “solutions”–generally complex combinations of products and services. But, in a world of digital disruption and empowered buyers equipped with troves of data, this type of selling is becoming increasingly challenging. As a result, some sales teams are redefining their roles. They’re shifting away from solution selling and toward “selling insights,” in which they help customers find ways to solve their own problems.
In the latest issue of our Expert Insight series, we feature a piece from Solutions Review contributor Mike Podlesch on this transformation. In the article, Mike discusses how solution sellers need to move beyond selling products or services to creating and delivering solutions that create real value for their customers. He describes how this approach is helping some teams increase their average deal size and boost their overall revenue.
To deliver on this promise, it’s important for solution experts to understand how their company’s software works. This includes understanding how the product is used in different industries, as well as knowing the technical aspects of the software. They should also be knowledgeable in how to troubleshoot issues and provide customer support.
While solution specialists are responsible for educating current and potential clients about the company’s products, they must also possess strong customer service skills to respond to questions and concerns. These responsibilities can be performed over the phone or through e-mail communication. A solution specialist also helps their organization promote sales and identifies strategies that can improve revenues.