A toothache generally isn’t considered a major concern, but in some cases it could warrant emergency dental care and should not be ignored. If left alone, it can easily become the first symptom of more serious dental issues, so it’s important to call in your regular dentist whenever you have a painful toothache. Here are some important steps you can take as soon as you feel a tooth ache or any other indications that your teeth need immediate attention.
First, you should make sure you don’t bite your tooth when your mouth is open. This will prevent any blood from getting into your teeth and possibly causing an infection. The same goes for chewing gum when your mouth isn’t open. Always close your mouth tightly when chewing and never let gum go down your throat. Gum is made up of sugar, which can lead to serious dental complications if left untreated.
Next, check with your dentist’s office if they have a special type of anesthesia. Some oral problems, like an abscess, may require an anesthetic to treat the problem. It’s best to use a dentist’s treatment plan, since they will know what medications to administer and what to avoid. If they aren’t available or you simply don’t want to use them, you can try using an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol. You can also try over-the-counter painkillers such as Advil or Motrin.
It’s crucial to remove your tooth immediately after it’s pulled. This will help prevent swelling and keep the wound clean. Your doctor will most likely give you a local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. This will numb the area, so you won’t feel a thing when you have the tooth removed. If you don’t want to have surgery done, you might want to consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever to calm your nerves.
When the tooth is removed, you’ll be given instructions on how to care for the wound. This will include taking care of any bacteria that may be present. and ensuring proper hygiene. Some antibiotics may also be prescribed. Make sure your doctor is informed before you start taking anything, and follow any directions that come with your treatment.
It’s important to remember that the pain you feel in the morning after having a tooth pulled can subside in a few days and you’ll probably feel no ill effects at all. If, however, you experience serious symptoms, such as tooth sensitivity or a fever, seek medical advice from your doctor right away.